Welcome to Las Vegas, baby.

FLINES proudly presents, alongside CRAITY, the second and not guaranteed to be last FLINTASTIC EXPERIENCE: GAMBLING EMPORIUM.
Originally based on the FLINTASTIC ADVENTURES, this is a slot machine simulator with two game modes (CEASAR MODE and FLIN MODE), four unique unlockable themes and a production budget of less than 3 paperclips.

Updated 10 days ago
Published 19 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorsflines, Craity
Made withGodot
Tagsaddiction, flin, flintastic, flintastic-adventures, flintastic-experiences, gambling, gambling-emporium, Indie, money, Singleplayer

Development log


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what hapens in vegas stays in vegas


truth is, the flin was rigged from the start


courier I need you to get the ceasar chip...